Monday, September 27, 2010

30 Days of Insight Day 28

If you want to see the original challenge, click here.

Day 28- A moment you remember being completely happy in and a description of why you believe you were. What is your definition of happiness? 

My definition of happiness?  Resting in the will of my Lord and Savior and completely putting my will far from me.

The happiest moment of my life, with the exception of becoming a believer, was the day my daughter was born.  Indeed it was exciting to discover  I was pregnant.  And it  was wonderful to go with a home birth.  It is something for which I will always be grateful.

I remember wanting a little girl so badly, but I basically resigned myself to having a boy.  You know how it is, mommies.  You would be happy either way as long as the child is healthy, but...  

I remember my sense of relief as I pushed this child  from my wound.  I remember  them trying to tell me to look in the mirror so I could see my baby's head right before she popped out.  Nope!  I had one focus.  I wanted to see my baby!

Once this child  was born,  I heaved a sigh of relief.  I honestly didn't think about the sex of the child  for that moment.  I remember the midwife telling my then husband, "Do you want to tell you wife what she had?"  I could  hear the smile  in his voice--one of the only times I ever  knew him to be  happy--and I was certain he was going to tell me  that it was a boy.  When he said we had a  girl, I hollered and hugged my mom.  I remember crying out something like that is what I had really wanted!

So this is the little one  who  made  me so very happy:


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