It's time for Saturday Six, Boobie Chasers! Along with my hostess with the mostest-Ashlee @ The Zombie Housewife-
We're hooking you up with six random questions & a rockin little button-snatch them both, answer the questions and link up babes! (Please don't link to your giveaways and such, all those links will be deleted, so it's rather pointless in the end! Instead, visit me tomorrow for my Show Me Yours Sunday...Giveaway Linky!)
- If you could break one law for the rest of your life and not get arrested, which law would you choose to break & get away with?
- If you wrote a book based on your life, what would be the most "shocking" revelation you made in the book about yourself or something you had done?
- Has reading a book ever changed your life? Which one and why, if yes?
- Would you rather be extremely good looking and sexy or rich?
- Should marijuana be legalized? Why or why not?
- Would you have a threesome if you significant other wanted to?
1. I would break the law about teaching religion in the public school. I'm not saying I would push it on the students. I wouldn't expect them to turn to God, and I wouldn't harp on it constantly. But I feel that since I am not allowed to speak of God and deal with the spiritual issues of the children I teach, I feel that sometimes I am hampered.
2. Shocking? My ex-husband believes that our daughter is not his. He believes that my best friend, Martin, and I had an affair. The really strange thing in all this is that Martin and I had never met, and by the time we met, I was already 3 months pregnant. My ex does not even recognize the fact that he has a child. Many people know this, but I think it really would shock people. People who knew me years ago would be shocked to know that I am now divorced. I would have been the last person they would have imagined would divorce.
3. The bible is the book that has changed my life. Every time I read it, God reveals something else about Him and His ways to me. My preconceived notions of how things should be are constantly challenged.
4. You know, I really am not interested in being either. I'd rather be beautiful on the inside rather than the outside. But if I was forced to choose, I would say rich because I could pay off my debts!
5. Marijuana is an illegal drug that should only be prescribed to patients in isolated circumstances. If it were legalized, we would see a lot worse things out there than alcohol and cigarette issues. We have enough drug problems as it is. Legalizing it would only create problems. In time it will probably be legalized, though, but it doesn't make it right.
6. Absolutely no threesome! God's best--one man, one woman--married, together having sex for a lifetime. End of story.
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