Ruth and I swapped blog posts today. I asked her to answer 3 questions & I thought that I would answer the same questions over here!
1. What's your favorite "I must read this blog everyday" blog?
There are several blogs that I stop by everyday (or try to.) Two of my favorites would be The SITS Girls. If you have never visited there, GO NOW! They are amazing! It's a blog dedicated to women bloggers, networking & getting to know each other & offering support.
I also love Theta Mom. Heather is an amazing mother, a talented writer, & all about gathering mothers together in the social media world in order to support each other through the crazy, awesomeness that is motherhood!
2. The best blogging tip you ever got & swear by.
I think the best tip that I got has been recently. I used to spend a lot of time focusing on my Google Follower Connect number growing & I never took the time to really get to know the people who followed.
Lately, I make sure that I cherish each person who commented, whether I get 15 comments or 2. I really want to engage with people over there & make sure that I make friends in this awesome place we call the blogosphere!
The other thing I try to do when blogging is to Have Fun & Be Myself! When I'm myself, I have more fun, & people enjoy my posts more!
3. A link to your favorite post that you have ever written.
Okay, so I have a few links to a few blog posts that I've written.
I love it whe Lboy helps me flash people
This post is about when I took my toddler shopping with me & he opened up the dressing room door for God & country to see EVERYTHING that I consider private! Modesty went right out the door!
This post is about how there are so many amazing things in this world that I'm in awe of & I hope I get to see. But right now, the most amazing sight in the world is right in front of me everyday.
The only constant in life is change...
This post is probably one of the most special. It is about my great-grandmother & my grandmother. They are two amazing ladies!
Thank you so much to Ruth for having me over here today! And again, Happy V-day, & I hope you have a great week!!! I hope you will make a stop by my place & I look forward to "meeting" you!

I'm lovin' the blog swap idea! Very cool!