As I saw in church this morning, we celebrated Hope Sunday. My daughter and I already support 2 children through World Vision. Our first child is Megi from Albania. I chose her because she, my daughter, and I all have the same birthday (not the same year!). It was neat to see her progress report this year and that she finally beginning to go to school. And then there is Bornface from Zambia. I don't remember why I chose him, but I felt like I needed to sponsor someone from Africa. It has been neat to see that he is finally going to school. It is always neat to hear from them, and I feel good because I am doing something to help those in need.
Now, why would I post this for Solution Sunday? It is often said how can one person make a difference? And we think that our contribution is nothing we can do to help the situation of this world improve. But that is not the focus of World Vision. My mom picked up two children this Sunday to sponsor, and she is going to make a difference for $70 per month. She is providing hope for two children who have nothing and may die prematurely without her help. And die without the knowledge of Christ. That's what I love about World Vision. It's a Christian organization, and they attend to the physical and spiritual needs of the children and the community. It does say in Scripture that to whom much is given, much is required. In spite of everything, the USA is still the richest nation on earth. I know things are tough, but this is on small way I can help. If you have not sponsored a child, would you pray about doing so?
And to the second part of this post. We are still going through Gracewalk
God wants us to come to a point where we are broken. He wants us to say, "I can't do it, God. Take over." Take the story of the Prodigal Son. We always hear about the prodigal son. But what about the one who stayed behind? He was mad, and asked why he didn't get a party. After all, he stayed behind and worked hard for his father. Interestingly enough, both sons had a mistaken concept. We tend to think that it is about what we do. We have to do more for God. We have to work harder. We have to witness to more people. We have to give more money. We have to. have to, have to. We are like that person who does that amazing stunt of spinning long wooden poles and balancing plates on each of them. And God comes along and knocks the plates off so we realize that it is not about what we do but about who we are in Christ. When will we come to the end of ourselves and let God take over our lives? When will we stop trying to keep back a portion for ourselves? When will we unconditionally surrender ourselves to God?
A lot of what I am saying may not make sense. I highly recommend the book. I have not actually read it-- I plan to--but I know that what is being said is right on target. And we don't normally hear it. It is only when we surrender ourselves totally to God and give Him permission to do anything He wants that God is able to work through us. My problem is that I sometimes still grab it back.
My hard thing is the area of physical intimacy. I know Martin will be back soon, and I know the old temptations will come back. I have prided myself on being able to stop myself before going too far. And I think I sometimes take pride in my self-sufficiency. I heard God say today that I needed to surrender even that area to Him because after all, I cannot do it on my own! I plan to put this solution into practice this week. I'll let you know how it goes!
What a great site you have, very inspirational :)