Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday--I Bought Some New Books

Okay, so they are new to me.  They are all used.  It all began with a read-along I happened to see on one of the many blogs I follow--Colletta's Kitchen Sink   The book is Queen of the Castle: 52 Weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker.  I was intrigued because I sometimes struggle to be consistent with my devotional time.  I like having some accountability.  This goes with some of  my challenges, and so I decided to check out  

I found a good price on the book, and as I always do, I checked to see what else this seller had to sell.  They had quite an inventory.  No CD's, movies or video games appealed to me, so I began to check out the books.
I began in the historical romance section, and I found a book I had just added to my to-read list on  

I should have stopped there, but I just thought I would look around some more.  I ended up looking through Christian books, and I spied two by Andrew Murray.  I have heard great things about him, and my mother always enjoyed his books.  So I got:

         and I also got   Entering the Presence of God by Andrew Murray (no link to anywhere, sorry).

I didn't stop after that.  I kept looking.  I found:


So how much did all 7 books cost together?  Around $23.  I know they are all used, but that never bothers me.      I also know that I have a lot of books  here, but I had some money from Christmas, and this seemed like a nice treat.

So  add this challenge to my list from yesterday.  I should have the book in time for at least the second week of the challenge.  But that's fine.    I'll catch up!  Hope you can join us!                                                                 Spotlight and Discount

I am sure you have seen the ads on TV for  They are a great company, and I have ordered through them a couple times before.  In fact, I ordered my first ever mp3 player through them, and I was very happy with it.

As 2011 approaches, you might check out a few of their items.  As you work on that resolution that most of us make--to lose weight--check out their women's pants. After all, you deserve something that fits once you lose your weight.  Get yourself something nice at a good price!

Maybe you are planning to get married in the new year (or hinting at the man in your life to pop the question!).  I did not realize that they carried wedding rings.  Well, they do.  And prices are unbeatable!  Whether you are looking for wedding bands or solitaires, I think you'll find what you want.

For those of you who already are happily married, maybe you want to steer your guy towards a special gift for your anniversary or even Valentine's Day.  You might suggest the pearl earrings.  They have a fantastic selection, and again the prices are pretty hard to beat.

And finally, let's be a little more practical.  Maybe you have a home office that needs some updating.  So, take a look at their office furniture.  Whether small or large, I think you will find exactly what you are looking for--computer tables, comfy office chairs, etc.  Be sure to have a look!

The really neat thing about this site is that they have $2.95 shipping regardless of what you order.  I think that is a really good deal.  Spend $5.00 or $1,000.00, and the shipping cost does not change.  And actually, the deal running now is free shipping on your first order!  Be sure to check out what is excluded in that promotion, but I doubt you could beat it anywhere!

So now to the good stuff. has given my readers a sweet deal.  I am about to share a 10%  discount code with you that never expires but can only be used once.  Are you ready?


So enter that at checkout, and it cannot be used for movies, books, and electronics.  They have also shared a free shipping code for electronics:


So what are you waiting for?  Get busy!  Go to and get busy ordering!  You could even get a jumpstart on Christmas shopping for next Christmas!

By the way, in case you're interested, I can use the discount, too.  But I also would like you to know the following:
All the ideas and opinions expressed are my own. No monetary compensation was received for doing this post, however, I was provided with a discount code.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Well-Spoken Wednesday--An Initial Post of All My Challenges for 2011

Well, I plan to complete this on New Year's Day, but  I have decided  to take on so many challenges this year that it has certainly become time to prepare for all  these challenges.  Most of my challenges are reading challenges, but not all of them.  So here goes.

My Music Challenge 2011

I am starting out with the one I am doing on  my blog. Please refer to the post for all the specifics.  I am already doing this--I am in the process of listening to and mentally reviewing 2 CD's. Sign up, and you can  win a prize. 

Here's a different kind of challenge.  I actually thought it might be a weight loss challenge.  Nope, it is a clothing challenge.  Be sure to check it out.  It only lasts for the month of January, and it is a fantastic concept!

Read my post about this book challenge.  I'm so glad I don't have to put any books on a reading list.  I will just keep this challenge  in mind.  This is my favorite genre anyway.  

Read my post on this challenge.  I am already starting this.  I have not begun reading Proverbs, but I have ordered the following book from my library:
I plan to make  this one of my theological reads.  Maybe a bit of a stretch, but the man is a Christian after all!

Read my post for this challenge.  I am very grateful at this point that I do not have to list any books.  But I will certainly keep it all in mind as I read this coming year.

Mystery and Suspense Reading Challenge 2011 @
Book Chick City

Read my post about this challenge.  I love a good mystery, and I long to really get going on this one.  Possibly my current read, The Woman in White, will make it on here because I will probably not be done before the year is out.  I think it would be considered mystery.  It certainly has a mystery in it!!

And my final challenge for 2011--

I have not officially signed up for this challenge, so I will now.  I will be creating a google map.  And here it is:
View Where Are You Reading 2011 Challenge in a larger map

I may not  read through all 50 states, but this is fun just the same!  So I am official now!

So there we go.  I guess I'll be pretty busy.  We'll see how well I do!

Twilight Tuesday--A Situation and a Review (I Know It's Late)

First of all, yes I know it's Wednesday, and I am late in posting this.  I was honestly too tired tonight, but I am up this morning, so I thought I would get it taken care of this morning.

I have two items for this post--one is a personal story, and one is a product review.  I hope you learn from what I write.

Talk about twilight, my 7-year-old daughter is truly going through something as of late.  She was sexually harassed by a sixth grader.  She happened to tell us about what happened the day before Christmas break.  It involved not only words but touching as well.  We informed the school, and as  I expected, the school took swift action.  How things have changed though.  They had to file a report with CPS, and tomorrow my daughter and I are headed to sheriff's office for her to be interviewed about the incident.  Please pray for my daughter.  She seems fine with everything, but I don't want her to feel bad about things or get scared.  I do bring this up to say I am glad I have a daughter who is not afraid to tell me these kinds of things.  She is in second grade, and she is willing to report to me what happens at school.  I am glad that she trusts me and the school enough to tell these kinds of things.

The other item for today has to do with the work we have been doing on this property.  We live in the country on five acres, and the land was allowed to go very wild.  We began clearing it last school year, and we have continued this year.  It is hard work, and my dad is little to no help.  So it is Martin, my mom, and me.  Sometimes my daughter pitches in.

My muscles have been extremely sore.  I have been lifting logs that are way too heavy for me at times, and we work several hours in the cold, wind, and rain.  I know I could take ibuprofen, but I had won an item some time ago that I thought I needed to give a try--All Terrain Recovery Rub Pain Relieving Cream 3 fl oz 
(90 ml).  This stuff works!  I can feel it working even a couple hours after I put it on.

I began to research this company yesterday.  They have a whole line of products!  They have pet products, kids products, insect repellents, sunscreens, and so much more.  All the products are natural.  I would love to try the grime bar since it it supposed to get the dirt off your hands (my hands right now are covered in a shade of brown that will not come off) and adds hemp oil with moisturizer.  I would like to try the pet odor ease since we have a dog that loves to roll in cat feces amongst other things.

So if you have not heard of this line of product, go check them out.  You can shop directly through the company's site or locate a store near you.  I think you'll like their products if you give them a try!  By the way, all terrain did not compensate me for this review.  They don't even know I have reviewed their product.  I am going to pass this along to them.

As a postscript, here's a link to a giveaway for All Terrain winter sport sunscreen.  Couponer 101 is having a fantastic giveaway that is very simple to enter.  But you had better act fast.  The giveaway ends January 1st!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Meet Me Monday 28th Edition

Welcome to the 28th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"
Blogging  is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read  and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is  this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want  to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great  way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you  questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we  can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me Monday at a time!!!" quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I  will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them  better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1.  What are your New Year's Eve plans?
2.  How tall are you?
3.  What is your favorite pudding flavor?
4.  What room of the house do you blog the most in?
5.  What is your best physical feature?


I will be at home in front of the television.  And probably on the computer.

2.  5'5" or so


Chocolate pudding!

4.  Living room in front of the TV.

5.  Hard to say.  Maybe my eyes.  I have been told I could be a lip model, too.  

Music Monday--In Preparation...

In preparation for my challenge this year, I think I need to post this song.  This was a singer I discovered this year (I won a giveaway--I believe my first), and she only recently came out with a video.  I saw it first on my phone, and it was neat, I thought.  Justine Dorsey.

How does this first my challenge?  Well, I think I will discover more songs and more artists possibly even this year by following through on my challenge.  I discovered one this past year without trying.  What will happen when I do try??

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Solution Sunday: My Music Challenge 2011


Well, I decided to create my own challenge.  Since music is one of my loves, and I have so many CD's, I thought it would make sense to host my own challenge.  

I don't know about you, but I often get stuck in a rut--I listen to the same albums over and over again.  I buy a new CD, and then it may be some time before I listen to it again.  Unless I am in the mood or I just want something different.

Let's change that this year.  Here's the "rules" in case you decide to join me.

1.  Make a goal of trying to listen to a certain number of your CD's this year.  I am going to get one every week from my collection.  I am going to do it in somewhat alphabetical order.  You could do it by genre, artist, year the album was released, etc.  That's up to you.  I plan to listen to at least 52 CD's this year.  Not only that,  but I plan to review them here every week--hopefully on Monday.

2.  I plan to listen to at least 5 new CD's this year.  I may even step outside my comfort zone.  So you make a goal as well of listening to a certain number of new CD's this year.

3.  You may post as many reviews of CD's this year as you would like.  Please let me know how many you have posted and where to find them every week when I post a review.  I may do a link-up or you can just do it in the comments section (If you don't have a blog, you may review the CD(s) you have listened to in the comments section.)  Each review will give you an entry into the grand prize.  (Keep reading to find about that.)

4.  Here's the exciting part.  This challenge will go from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.  There will be a grand prize at the end of the challenge.  If you happen to be the winner, I will give you either a $25 gift certificate to Amazon or another music store of your choice or a CD of your choice that does not cost more than $25.  It will be your choice.  I may be able to come up with small incentives throughout the year.  I love to surprise my readers with surprise giveaways and rewards for being a follower.

So, that should do it.  Hopefully I have explained everything.  I will do my best to keep the reviews coming.  If something happens that I cannot link up on a certain week, I will let you know.  I may then just give all of the members of the challenge a free entry into the prize drawing if that happens.  And by the way, you may join this challenge at any time during the year.  You can even begin listening to CD's this week and writing reviews.  Just keep track of what you do.  I will verify all reviews.

One last comment.  You may wonder what constitutes a good CD review.  I do not expect you to write pages and pages for it to count.  You may even review multiple CD's in a post or comment.  I am looking for what you liked about and possibly what you did not like.  Maybe list your favorite song and your least favorite.  It would be nice if you could post a picture of the cover of the CD.  I also am expecting you to be honest.  Please do not review a CD that is in your collection that you listened to several weeks or months ago.  Get it out and listen to it.  

In conclusion:

My Goals:
1.  Listen to and review 52 CD's. 
2.  Five of those 52 will be new CD's.

Link up below!  You can post the button I made (yay me!!) on your sidebar.  You do not need to actually post about this challenge as long as you sign up with your blog address.  Thanks!

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers Book Review

Redeeming LoveRedeeming Love by Francine Rivers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book completely surpassed all my expectations.  I had heard good things about it, and i thought the premise of it being a retelling of the story of Hosea in the old West sounded intriguing.  As I began this book, I was so drawn into the story line that I often found I did not want to put it down.

Angel and Michael Hosea's characters were so skillfully written, and nothing about the story seemed contrived.  I found myself near tears so many times.  After all, I could relate to Michael's dilemma since I am currently in love with a non-Christian who is so embittered about the things of the Lord.  I am always pleased when a Christian author is able to master the technique of weaving Christian principles into a story.  And this author does.

As much as I loved the story, I think the author's note at the end of the story truly impressed me as well.  It was something to see a Christian author tell her testimony and explain how her salvation experience was somewhat akin to the experience of Angel.  I also appreciated the frank way the author dealt with the physical relationship between Angel and Michael.  So many Christian authors do not deal with this topic openly, but Francine Rivers is not one of them!

Finally, I think the story of Angel's childhood prostitution and ensuing young life truly broke my heart.  I am sure that there were girls just like her who did exist in the history of our race.  Sometimes it was hard to read the details, but it only added to the connection I felt with the characters.

View all my reviews

Synopsis From goodreads:
Best-selling author Francine Rivers skillfully retells the biblical love story of Gomer and Hosea in a tale set against the exciting backdrop of the California Gold Rush. The heroine, Angel, is a young woman who was sold into prostitution as a child. Michael Hosea is a godly man sent into Angel's life to draw her into the Savior's redeeming love. This remarkable novel has sold over a million copies globally and has been a fixture on the CBA bestsellers list for nearly a decade. A six-part reading guide, suitable for individual use or group discussion, is included in this best-selling novel.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Historical Fiction Challenge 2011

Okay, sorry, this is a no-brainer for me.  My favorite genre is historical fiction.  Don't give me a modern romance--give me historical fiction any day!  So this is the last challenge I will  sign up for.  In fact, some time next weekend, I'll make sure to get all of my challenges together in one post.  Historical Tapestry hosts this challenge.

So what level am I shooting for?  I should be able to do Level 3--10 books.  It  is called Struggling the Addiction.  We'll see if I make  it.  I think I have about 4 of 5 challenges going for 2011.  So that is good!

Be sure to stop by if you're interested.  This blog is new to me, but it looks like it is my kind of blog!

Operation Deepen Faith Challenge

Here a new challenge for the year!  Becky @ Operation Actually Read the Bible has this challenge going for all of 2011.  I am not sure what book I will study.  I will probably go to the Old Testament.  I plan to tackle both parts of the challenge.  You know, I think I will go with the Book of Proverbs first.  I plan to do at least Level 1--read it in 3 translations.  Maybe I'll read it in 6 different translations for Level 2.  We'll see.

As for the second part of the challenge, I commit to read 2-4 theological books.  Here are the books I plan to read:

Christians are Hate-Filled Hypocrites and other lies you have been told by Bradley White

Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy

Neither one of these is the traditional theological book--I realize that.  But I believe the first book can really challenge me since it comes from secular media as well as Christian.  And I love Tony Dungy.  I love his Christian stance, and I he is the only football coach that I respect as much as I do.

So there is my challenge.  If you want to join up, don't forget to click on the picture--it will take you to her blog to sign up!

Looking for Sponsors for the Handmade Winter Love Giveaway

All right, this is all new to me.  I know I'm still a pretty small blog, but I am going to be participating in the Handmade Winter Love giveaway over at Simply Stacie.  It is February 2-6, 2011.  All prize(s) have to be handmade or connected with a handmade shop in some way.  See the complete details here.

I know that my blog is small, but I believe that I have some very faithful followers.  I will be providing some of the prizes myself, but I would love to have at least one sponsor so I could offer special prizes to my followers.  I am willing to discuss sponsorship with anyone who would be interested.  Just let me know.  Either comment on this post or contact me via e-mail:

Thanks so much!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fortified Friday--Featuring Two Blogs

Well, as Christmas draws near, I just don't see how I can plan out meals right now.  It's not a good time.  So I thought I would feature a couple of blogs that have given me some fantastic recipes.

Remember the post I did last week where I said I was going to make some meals from this particular blog?  (It's okay if you don't!)  It was Sherry's blog Lamp Unto My Feet.  I began following her due to her fantastic inspirational/spiritual posts.  But I happened to see this post, and I was amazed at the fantastic recipes she had posted along with the gorgeous pictures!  I have made several of her recipes with still a few to go.

The Herb-Stuffed Tomatoes were expensive to make this time of year (I splurged--they cost more than the meat!), but I really enjoyed it.  They seemed a little less seasoned than I would have liked it, but the basic idea was great.

The Lemon-Roasted Chicken was to die for!  Wow!  It cooked well, and it was so moist and tender! We will be having roast chicken a little more often.  We do have a fantastic roasting pan, and that certainly helped us.

The Old-Time Beef Stew came straight from Paula Deen.  We made a couple changes.  We used ground meat and sausage links.  It made for fantastic flavor.  We cooked it in the crock pot.  Everyone liked it!

The Sweet Chicken Bacon Wraps were absolutely fantastic!  I put them on a skewer--about 6  per skewer. I used Splenda brown sugar--I always substitute that, and no one ever knows unless I tell them.  I put some Old Bay seasoning and smoked paprika on it.  We really liked the flavor.  We used peppered bacon and turkey bacon.

The Tater Tot Casserole was easy and good.  I made that to along with the tomatoes.  I knew my daughter wouldn't eat tomatoes.  I served it with peas also.  The only thing I would have changed about it was that I would add the peas to it before it went in the over--1 package would do it.

I have a couple more recipes I am going to make--2 desserts and one meal--but I have been very pleased.  Sherry knows how to find the best meals on the net!

I said I would also feature one other blog.  And it is SnoWhite of Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  She has a recipe that I wanted to do for Christmas morning, but we already have too much food as it is.  So I have now put it off to New Year's.  It is  Overnight Cinnamon Coffee Cake.  I have not had the pleasure of trying any of her recipes, but they look and sound sumptuous.  And she always has the fantastic pictures of the recipe and the process so you can know if you are doing it correctly.

So there we go.  Hope your Christmas is wonderful.  I should be able to some posting tomorrow.  Don't forget about my poll towards the bottom of my page!

Secret Santa Blog Hop

I had the opportunity this year to participate in a fantastic Secret Santa exchange--just for bloggers!  And this year, I am one, so I signed up, and I had a fantastic lady.  I had Emily Dye.  It was interesting.  I think we received our items just about the same time as each other.  She gave me some fantastic things!

She gave me a lovely cat card--look at her blog, and you will know that she is a cat lover!

Encased in 1 lovely gingerbread house box, I received good-sized tubes of earth therapeutics intensive heel repair and tea tree oil foot repair balm.

Encased in another lovely gingerbread house box, I received earth therapeutics soothing leg lotion, a small tube of heel repair balm, and cracked heel repair.

Then I also received a gong clock.  I have not had a moment to get this hooked up, but it looks really cool,  and I think it will be able to be used in my very busy life.

I don't know how she figured out what to get, but she must have known about the sorry state of my feet!  Talk about cracked heels, mine are about as bad as you could imagine!  And my legs need some tlc too!  The gong clock is neat novelty item, and I really feel blessed.  I can tell that Emily thought about what to get me, and she just didn't send out some junk.  Thank you, Emily!  I will definitely so this again next year!

Library Loot December 24

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Marg and myself that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Well, I am certainly busy at the library--I always am.   Here are the books I currently have checked out:

5-ingredient fix

Aesop's Fables

Anno's Medieval World

The Case of the Terrible T-Rex

Everyday Mysteries

First Food Fight This Fall and Other Poems

Guinea Pigs Add Up

Imaginative Inventions

Redeeming Love

Scholastic Book of Firsts

Snowshoe Thompson

Talking Dirt


I have linked all the books to good reads descriptions.  You might notice that most of these are children's books.  I am reading Redeeming Love.

As to the books on hold:

The Woman in White

There Was No Snow on Christmas Eve

Hopefully I will be able to finish The Woman in White before the end of the year!

I have some DVD's out, too, but nothing major right now.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday--Valentine's Day Swap??

I know, I know.  Christmas is not even past, and I am already thinking about Valentine's Day?  Why not?  The stores will have Valentine's Day stuff out right after Christmas.  Maybe even before!

I have been thinking about some fun things we could do, and I thought a lot about some kind of swap for Valentine's Day.  Let me explain.  A couple years ago, I was a part of some yahoo groups that did swaps for the main holidays and sometimes just for fun.  I always loved participating.  Only one time did I have an issue, and the person in charge of the swap set things right.  We did all sorts of swaps--cards, homemade items, kid's items, and just general things, maybe based on a theme.  This is one thing I miss about those groups.

So I thought I would come to you and see what the interest might be.  I had a few thoughts, and I created a poll at the bottom of this post that I would encourage you to fill out.  It does not mean that if you vote that you have to participate.  I realize that finances and/or privacy protection may be an issue.  You would have to share your address, and you may just have to buy something.  But I would ask that no matter what that you at least vote in my poll.

Let me explain a couple of the items.  If we did a "secret" swap, it would be like having a secret pal.  You would know who you had, but that person wouldn't know until the unveiling.  A kid's swap would be a chance for your children to make cards or something else and exchange with another kid or kids.  A card swap is just that.  You often swap cards with everyone who signs up, but that is certainly not set in stone.  A book swap is pretty self-explanatory.  A swap based on a theme would be like using hearts or some other thing to be the theme around which the items center.

I welcome your comments on this post.  Please comment if you want to clarify things about the poll or submit other ideas.  There is not a close date on this poll yet, but there will be in a couple weeks or so.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Whatcha Reading Wednesday/Well-Spoken Wednesday

This week's Whatcha Reading Wednesday Teaser works like this:
Type in the FirstSentence of theLast Paragraph of the First Chapter that you are currently on in your book.Remember to alert any Spoilers

You can participate by leaving your WRW teaser in a comment below, or you can make a post on your own blog and link back to this post in the linky below. Feel free to use the WRW graphic, just please be sure to link back to Busy Moms Who Love to Read

Well, I get to participate in another one.  I would like to know why I am the first one to link up, but that is beside the point!!

This is my current read--I love it!  So here goes!

First sentence of the last paragraph of the first chapter:

(There is a Prologue, but I will go with the first official chapter.)

Lucky spent her off time deep in her cups.  "You gotta have plans, Angel.  You gotta hope for something in this world."

And for my blog followers, no I did not post a twilight Tuesday yesterday.  There was just no reason.  I posted, but it just didn't fit.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fall Into Reading Challenge 2010 Wrap-Up

Well, the challenge is officially over.  No, I did not finish all the books on my challenge list.  Since I last posted an update,  here is what I have done.

I read a book not on the list--The Help.  It was not on my list, but it came in at the library, so I read it.  I am currently reading Redeeming Love.  I will then finish The Woman in White.  

So out of 19 books on the challenge list, I completed 7 and one not on the list.  I also have half of two to finish.  I figured I wouldn't be able to read all the books that I put on the list, but that is fine.  I have no trouble with that.  Better to have  too many than too few.

I think the best part of this challenge was to know what book I would be reading next.  It was a totally random list in many ways--composed of books I had added to my library list.  I plan to be involved with a  couple challenges  next year.  We'll see what happens.

I want to thanks Katrina at callapidderdays.  She faithfully posted questions each week--that I often didn't have time to answer.  I plan to still read some books on my list.

What was my favorite?  Hard to say.  I think that the most surprising one was The Help.  Redeeming Love, my current read, has lived up to everything that everyone said it would be.  Woman in White is wonderful in spite of what people say.  

So that fall challenge is done.  Thanks to everyone who participated to make this a success!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Music Monday--A Favorite Christmas Song of Mine

I have listed this song tonight in my music Monday because it has been a song that has been with me for  a long time.  I'll start by saying that my dad is a Karen Carpenter fan, and  I couldn't stand her!  I  tried to listen to her music, and I could not get  into her  voice for some reason.  I don't know why.

I used to collect Christmas albums, and  this song happened to be on one or two of them.  It became the only Karen Carpenter I would sing  as a teenager.  And sing it, I did.  My first love was in high school--Kyle Haugen.  (Ironic that neither of us are married, and we  both now live in the Puget Sound area again after being away for a while--no, trust me, I don't want him!  That was high school!!)  I can remember thinking of him at Christmas with this song because he wasn't interested in me.  and I was so very desperate for him to show some interest.

Then in college, when I dated and got engaged to my now ex-husband Paul, this was the song  I would  sing  when I missed him.  I spent every Christmas with him though--that was weird.  I must not have sung it much with him.

Here's the stranger thing.  I'll share this although I have never shared it with anyone else.  When things were bad in my marriage and I first knew Martin,  I would sing this song and think of him.  I was convinced that it was just friendship love.  And it probably was then.  We were apart for many Christmases.  And I sing it  now hoping  and praying that he will turn to God and then to me.

I had a hormonal attack about an hour or so ago, and I am glad that Martin was not  interested.  I don't know if  I could have handled the temptation.  I guess I just get tired of waiting sometimes.  But I  am currently reading Redeeming Love, and God brought the words of Hosea to me--"Just wait."  And that is what I am doing.  And God controlled my hormones.  I actually didn't know I had such strong  hormones till  Martin came along!

Okay, enough for tonight.  Enjoy the song.  Sorry it isn't better quality.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Meet Me On Monday--I finally get to participate again!

This is one  of the first  blog hops in which I ever participated, and I have just not had the time to do it!  So now I get to do it again!  Here goes!


1.  What will your Christmas dinner consist of?
2.  Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?
3.  How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?
4.  What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
5.  Do you have a Facebook?

1.  Seriously, I don't know.  Isn't that sad?  This Christmas has been weird for our family.  I don't know if we're having pork or beef brisket.  We'll see.

2.  I am  the channel flipper when it comes to commercials.  My daughter, on the other hand, can't seem to handle it without watching the commercials.  She forgets to go to the bathroom or do whatever she should do when a commercial she likes comes on!

3.  We didn't go all out with Christmas decor this year--we ran out of time.  Probably till mid-January.

4.  Oh,  goodness, this is easy.  There are two of them.  "A Tale of Two Cities" and "The Notebook."  Always guaranteed tear-jerkers for me!   But you're talking to the woman who cried over "Voyage of the Dawn Treader," "Return of the King," and "Toy Story 3!"

5.  Yes.  My user name is ruthhill74.  I have a blog page, but I have done nothing with it.  That  is something I know I need to do.  I used to keep up with my friends  and family on facebook.  Now I keep up with blogs and contests!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Solution Sunday--I'm Sorry, but...

We had another family blow-up.  Not physical, but emotional.  I know it may sound like these have become commonplace,  but they really do happen.

The best news for today is  that we may be switching to a new church come  January without my dad.  We'll  see what happens.

I am busy entering giveaways, and I am very tired.  I plan to participate in some blog hops the next couple weeks and  get going an stating very concrete goals.

Hope all is well  for you, my dear  reader!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sporadic Saturday--Voyage of the Dawn Treader and More

All right, today has been a big day.  We went to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3-D,  and I cried!  Yep, I haven't told anyone else till now.  There I was with my 3-D glasses with tears running down my face.  Why, you may ask?  The story is full of adventure, and it was very well-done.  I would highly recommend it to anyone except for families with very young children.  It could be frightening, and I don't think  children who were below first grade would get the meaning.  But why did I cry?

At the end of the movie--just like in the book--the weary travelers make it to Aslan's Country.  Those who understand C.S. Lewis's symbolism will know that Aslan represents Christ. So His country would be heaven.  The mouse, Reepicheep, has waited all his life to see this country.  But once you enter, you do not return.  And so he enters.  I cried tears of joy realizing that one day I would enter God's rest.

Now then, I really lost it when Aslan made this statement to Lucy:  "I am known by another name in your world.  You must learn my name there.  I brought you here so you could learn Who I was."  How my dear friend needs this message.  Martin does not know God, and I so long for him to know God!  So I cried.

As to other events, I lost a follower today.  I know that things are busy right now, and it is always disenheartening to see a follower leave.  I know there are many reasons.  I have not had time to think of any other giveaways.  I have been so busy lately that my blog gets neglected now and then.  I do apologize to my followers for that.  You are so loyal!  I know they say that blogging is becoming a thing of the past, but I don't buy into that.  I couldn't  imagine my life without blogging!

I plan this week to list another giveaway or two.  We'll see  what happens.  I do have a PR lead I have to follow up on that could be really good.  I just have no time!

Please be sure to let me know what I can do for you, my dear readers.  I want to meet your needs and minister to you.  I have no real social life apart from this, so I certainly want to do all I can to keep you as a reader.

I will be posting soon about what my Secret Santa got me.  I participated in two this year,and one still hasn't made it to me.  I am toying with the idea of sponsoring a Valentine blog swap, but I have to think of a theme. And I am not sure how many of you would be interested in doing something like that.  I have always loved the swaps I have been a part of.  But maybe we are just too busy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fortified Friday--It was easy during the summer!

I had no problem planning out meals and sticking to it this summer.  It is  so hard with school!

But I now have 2  weeks off. I have not decided on every dish we are eating,  but I have two blog posts from  elsewhere that have some great  recipes I want to try!

The first blog from which I am getting recipes is: Lamp Unto My Feet.  These sound like fantastic recipes!

I can't find the other one, but I definitely want to make these cookies!

So I will give you the update about the recipes from last week.  The soup was all right, but I loved the French Toast, and I truly enjoyed the curry chicken.  If you are interested, check out the post.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday--A Sundry of Items

I was thinking tonight that I really need to begin dreaming big on my blog.  I don't have a whole lot of time tonight, but I am thinking that I need to set goals that may not even seem attainable.  God says He can do far exceedingly above all we can ask or think.  Maybe I need to actually take him at His Word!

On a different point, I was authorized by my dad today to buy my mom's presents for him.  It was nice to go on amazon with my my free 2-day shipping and find a bunch of stuff that added up to less  than 80 dollars!  I just love Amazon!!

One more day, and I get two weeks off.  We go off to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Saturday.  I am looking forward to having the time off!

I will be wrapping Christmas presents tomorrow and this weekend.  Hopefully I have most of my gifts purchased if not all!  I think I have gifts for my daughter all the way up through Easter!

Hope you are doing just as well!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Well-Spoken Wednesday--"The Help" book review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was on the waiting list for this book for almost 6 months.  When it came through, I have to admit that I thought I might not like it.  And if I would have based my review on the first 30 or 40 pages, I would have let it go.  I just couldn't connect with the story.  I really struggled with dialect of the black servants.  And I felt like I was thrown into the middle of the story with no background.

Around page 50, the character of Minny finally got my attention.  I was genuinely interested in what happened to her.  And then the very next chapter was Skeeter, the white woman who does so much good in the book.  I can only hope that if I lived back then, I would have been as brave as she was.  She did not back down, and she was willing to do whatever it took to change things.

There were some classic moments in this book that really drew me in--I am still talking about one interesting little pie recipe in the book.  And not all things in the book happen like you think they should.  There are moments that will outrage you and probably even cause you to cry.

I enjoy the way the author wrote the book.  She writes from the perspective of three people, I think.  And you can tell that the author knows much of what she is talking about.  And her note in the back of the book confirms this.  She grew up in Jackson, Mississippi, and the author herself had a black servant.

If you would have asked me last week about my rating of the book, I would have given it four stars.  I give it five because once I got into it, I really didn't like to put it down.  The author knows just when to switch over to a different perspective, and the reader has to wait to see what happens in that situation a few chapters later.

No sex is in the book--I like that.  There is some bad language, but the concept of true Christian faith is also in the book.  The women are strong, and the blacks are so willing to stand up for their rights in spite of the consequences.  In fact, some of them see it as a chance to have a fresh start.

If you enjoy historical fiction, this book would suit you.  If you have strong feelings about civil right and equal rights for women, you would like the views of this book.  If you like a good romance, sorry, this book really doesn't have that.  And if you come into this book with racist/prejudiced views, you will probably hate it as the woman who runs the town, Hilly, did.  It is definitely one that will stick with you!

P.S.  Sorry I didn't post last night.  I intended to and only realized that I went to bed, I hadn't done it.  I even knew what I was going to write about!  I'll save it for another time.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Music Monday--Reminiscing

Well, I have been a fan of Sesame Street since I was about third grade or  so.  I'm sure you read that and  think that I meant 3 years old.  Nope.  I didn't discover Sesame Street nor Mister Rogers Neighborhood until I was around third grade.  I happened upon it on PBS.  I absolutely fell in love with Mister Rogers.  I still have an e-mail from him that I cherish.  It was hard when he died, but I know that he was a Christian--I am totally convinced.

Sesame Street brings up other interesting things in my childhood.  I checked out a record from the library called "Bob Sings."  It is no longer available.  But I see Bob McGrath of Sesame Street as my earliest voice teacher.  That  album was filled with beautiful songs, and I sang along, trying to match his voice.  Yes, he is aged now, but I still love to see him now and then with Sesame  Street crew.

I am posting one of his early songs from Sesame Street - Christmas Eve on Sesame Street.  I remember the first  time I saw this.  I stayed up late one Christmas Eve--I think  it was around 11 or midnight, and I loved it.  I had heard it on an album, but I hadn't seen it.  So here goes.  I guess I have a lot more I need to post from  my childhood, don't I?  You guys might really find me crazy once you read about my childhood dreams.  But they are a part of who I am.