Okay, so they are new to me. They are all used. It all began with a read-along I happened to see on one of the many blogs I follow--Colletta's Kitchen Sink The book is Queen of the Castle: 52 Weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker
. I was intrigued because I sometimes struggle to be consistent with my devotional time. I like having some accountability. This goes with some of my challenges, and so I decided to check out half.com.
I found a good price on the book, and as I always do, I checked to see what else this seller had to sell. They had quite an inventory. No CD's, movies or video games appealed to me, so I began to check out the books.
I began in the historical romance section, and I found a book I had just added to my to-read list on goodreads.com.
I should have stopped there, but I just thought I would look around some more. I ended up looking through Christian books, and I spied two by Andrew Murray. I have heard great things about him, and my mother always enjoyed his books. So I got:
and I also got Entering the Presence of God by Andrew Murray (no link to anywhere, sorry).
I didn't stop after that. I kept looking. I found:
So how much did all 7 books cost together? Around $23. I know they are all used, but that never bothers me. I also know that I have a lot of books here, but I had some money from Christmas, and this seemed like a nice treat.
So add this challenge to my list from yesterday. I should have the book in time for at least the second week of the challenge. But that's fine. I'll catch up! Hope you can join us!