I have two items for this post--one is a personal story, and one is a product review. I hope you learn from what I write.
Talk about twilight, my 7-year-old daughter is truly going through something as of late. She was sexually harassed by a sixth grader. She happened to tell us about what happened the day before Christmas break. It involved not only words but touching as well. We informed the school, and as I expected, the school took swift action. How things have changed though. They had to file a report with CPS, and tomorrow my daughter and I are headed to sheriff's office for her to be interviewed about the incident. Please pray for my daughter. She seems fine with everything, but I don't want her to feel bad about things or get scared. I do bring this up to say I am glad I have a daughter who is not afraid to tell me these kinds of things. She is in second grade, and she is willing to report to me what happens at school. I am glad that she trusts me and the school enough to tell these kinds of things.
The other item for today has to do with the work we have been doing on this property. We live in the country on five acres, and the land was allowed to go very wild. We began clearing it last school year, and we have continued this year. It is hard work, and my dad is little to no help. So it is Martin, my mom, and me. Sometimes my daughter pitches in.
My muscles have been extremely sore. I have been lifting logs that are way too heavy for me at times, and we work several hours in the cold, wind, and rain. I know I could take ibuprofen, but I had won an item some time ago that I thought I needed to give a try--All Terrain Recovery Rub Pain Relieving Cream 3 fl oz
(90 ml)
I began to research this company yesterday. They have a whole line of products! They have pet products, kids products, insect repellents, sunscreens, and so much more. All the products are natural. I would love to try the grime bar since it it supposed to get the dirt off your hands (my hands right now are covered in a shade of brown that will not come off) and adds hemp oil with moisturizer. I would like to try the pet odor ease since we have a dog that loves to roll in cat feces amongst other things.
So if you have not heard of this line of product, go check them out. You can shop directly through the company's site or locate a store near you. I think you'll like their products if you give them a try! By the way, all terrain did not compensate me for this review. They don't even know I have reviewed their product. I am going to pass this along to them.
As a postscript, here's a link to a giveaway for All Terrain winter sport sunscreen. Couponer 101 is having a fantastic giveaway that is very simple to enter. But you had better act fast. The giveaway ends January 1st!
I'm really sorry your daughter is going through this. Saying a prayer that God would give her strength in the interview today and that He would bring healing to her heart and to yours.