My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I knew really nothing about this book when I picked it up. I remember that it had been suggested to me by some online group. It was just a filler while I waited on another book. I was pretty sure it would not be a book that would truly capture my attention.
I was completely wrong! I instantly knew I would like this book when I read in the acknowledgements that the author thanked her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I was astounded! This was a Christian book? Not only that, but the author was one that I recognized from Proverbs 31 ministries.
I loved the way in which the story was written. The story jumped back and forth between the 1980's and the 2000's and occasionally the 1990's. The story was told through letters and narratives. I feel in love with the two main characters! I guess because I tended to understand their situation. Since it deals with divorce and second chances, I could identify with them.
While this book is not a literary masterpiece, it is a nice romance that takes a couple twists and turns that the reader may not see coming--I certainly didn't. It makes me want to go visit the mailbox since the author herself says that it really does exist. I certainly wish I had a Kindred Spirit after reading this book.
I enjoyed the fact that faith was interwoven so easily into the story. Sometimes Christian novels really force the religion issue. In this novel, the character's faith and coming to faith are such an integral part of the story that it makes you believe that with God, nothing is impossible! And He is the God of second chances.
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I love a good, sweet story, and I agree, God is the God of second chances. I'll have too look for this book :)