This is a new MEME begun by Elaine over at Honey Pie Accesories. I don't think I have been following her long, but I am always looking for ways to increase my follower base. I want my followers to really know about me and why I started this blog, so I love her first question.
"What's In?" link up will be posted every Wednesday! There will be a weekly topic that you'll get to blog about and link your blog post back to this blog. It will be a chance to gain new followers each week, but in a new and exciting way, than just posting a link to your blog!
Here are the rules:
- Be a follower of Honey Pie Accessories
- Add your link the McLinky- posting back to your topic of the week
- Follow as many blogs as you'd like
- Follow back the blogs that follow you
- Add the "What's In?" button (on the right side of the page) to your blog.So, here's our first "what's in?" topic! "What's In Your Blog?"Tell us all about your blog, help us to get to know you better, and to learn what you have to offer!I have not been blogging too long. I guess I started earlier this year as a way to make me accountable in my daily devotional life. Prayer is something with which I have always struggled, and I thought I'd try it out.Well, I soon gave up, and just decided to let it go. Somehow, I started following blogs. I wish I could remember how it happened. I probably got an e-mail from someone or some company which led me to a blog. That blog led me to another blog. And I discovered giveaways! Yes!! I started entering with a vengeance.The summer was upon me, and I was following well over a hundred blogs. I started winning a couple things here and there. It was even as a result of a blog that we bought a Nintendo Wii on amazon at a good price. I remember thinking, "This is fun to follow blogs, but I don't ever want to write an ongoing blog myself. "I finally decided that I wanted to make something of my blog. I have always loved to write. I wrote my first book when I was 12/13. I know God has given me a talent for that. And I now am accountable to someone for my daily devotional time.But this blog is not just prayers and Bible studies. I share my personal stories and struggles. And then I throw in a few reviews, giveaways, and who knows what else??So here I am. It is a rather eclectic blog, but at the end of the day, everything relates to my relationship with God.