Today the focus was spiritual connection and lack thereof in marriage. I was actually able to talk about things in my marriage and even laugh about them. One was when we prayed together. I hated praying with him!!! One of use would say we needed to pray, and I would generally begin. I prayed about the issue, got to the point, and then I was done. He, on the other hand, would begin pacing back and forth in our little mobile home (he began the prayer with Amen almost always!!), and he would go on and on for 30 minutes. I would pray for it to end really soon. Goodness! Talk about not being able to connect.
I then told of a truly inspirational time in our marriage. It is one I still remember quite fondly--the best time in our marriage. We went on a 3-week missions trip to Yemen.

It was a wonderful 3 weeks. We grew close than ever before, and it really hit me that December when missionaries we had worked with were martyred for their faith. I knew 2 of the 3 who were killed. It really shook me. Amazingly (or not!), it didn't even affect him. I still have something that one of them made, and I will treasure it always.
It was so good to be able to share so much of this. Even with a smile on my face!!
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