Google temporarily deleted My Devotional Thoughts, and until it is restored, this is where I will be hanging out. Feel free to comment and enter giveaways, and I will try to get everything up and running once google restores everything. Then look for me at wordpress!
One week down, and I have enjoyed this so immensely! Krystal's Kitsch is again to be congratulated! She came up with an outstanding challenge even though I was a little late starting it.
Day 08 – A song that you know all the words to
That is pretty easy. I could name a load of songs. Now to choose. I will choose my daughter's favorite song. Or at least, it used to be. She changes like the wind. Her favorite song was Rascal Flatt's Life is a Highwayfrom Cars. I knew the chorus for quite a while, but it wasn't until I taught it to my students in choir that I learned the rest of it. So now without thinking about it, I can sing all the words to the song any time it comes on the radio.
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